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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Progress towards 2 Million in 2 months

I realised recently that I have neglected some aspects of online marketing. Those being Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.  One of the challenges I'm facing is getting more traffic through this blog. So I'm spending some time on these media. Pinterest  is a great tool for visualising dreams. I have set up a dream board on my pinterest account where I have posted some of the things I want to have, do or be. I will keep working on this. You can have a look at it at

As for twitter... Some of you might already have found this through the auto twitter feed that I set up for the blog. What I didn't take into account was that I would need to increase the number of followers on twitter so that more people would hear about updates. I am now following a process of finding tweets that are relevant to this blog and re-tweeting them or replying to them.

Money wise... I haven't got started yet. My focus at the moment is to increase the amount of regular traffic through my site so that when I add some stuff to sell, there will be enough of you to buy some of it. My philosophy will be to include items that have been useful and relevant to me in achieving the goal of R 2 Million in 2 Months.

Links coming soon....

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